2024 Nonki Activities Announcement

Happy 2024 everyone! We're here to announce the regular activities continuing at Nonki as well as some special events happening in the next few months, come see us regularly as we update these :)



  •  10:45am-12:15 Baby Yoga and Baby Massage with @baskingbabiesdulwichforesthill


  • 9:30am Happy House with @hartbeeps.southlondon (0-7 months)
  • 10:30am Baby Beeps with @hartbeeps.southlondon (18m - 5 years)
  • 11:30 Baby Bells with @hartbeeps.southlondon (7-18 months)
  • 12:30 Baby Bells with @hartbeeps.southlondon (0-7 months)
  • 2pm DiddiDance Dance class walking to 5 years old with @diddidance_lewisham


  • 26th July 10:30am Hayley May Author meet and greet + storytelling time with her new book "Wilson and Woody"
  • 19th July Nonki Kids Disco 2pm to 3:30pm
  • 12th August Storymakers Interactive storytelling class for under 5s with characters and music.
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